Finally made it to the Cozy yard in Greenacres!
We were thrilled to find the hives with plenty of honey stores left in them! The queens have been super busy!
Definitely going to need to split some of these hives in May! Hopefully they don’t get too excited and try sooner. =)
I pushed brood down and leveled out food stores. I will definitely come back and do some hive leveling.
Some seriously impressive frames of brood. Bummed we are going to see cooler temperatures. Hopefully pushing brood down won’t be a problem.
Found two hives that didn’t make it. Both were small. One was really small. Found a telling reason why.
Overall we are pleased with how they overwintered here. Hive leveling next visit which will be after the low temps. The 3 box hive can handle giving up some frames of brood. 12 frames is plenty strong!