Been slacking on posting!

We confess. Posting hasn’t been a priority. There have been a number of posts over the summer using our Facebook page, but in general we have been slacking with media. Thank you loyal followers! Yellow jackets stress hives. Please do your part to reduce their populations!! We witnessed plenty of dead yellow jackets out frontContinue reading “Been slacking on posting!”

Handling Raw Honey

Our hyper-local RAW honey is an absolute treat. It’s the best truly natural candy we’ve ever had. Really! We watch our warming temperatures carefully to preserve the honey in it’s natural state, but in doing so, we get crystallization. There’s nothing wrong with crystalized honey, it’s completely normal. Be wary of “honey” that doesn’t crystallize.Continue reading “Handling Raw Honey”

Why do good deeds get punished so often?

Thieves win. Nearly every time. Super-short version: Our crane for moving hives was stolen!!! Short Version: Loaned our bee truck to the neighbor and the crane we use to move hives was stolen out of it while parked out front of Enterprise in the Valley. Insurance won’t even begin cover it. New ones are $6200Continue reading “Why do good deeds get punished so often?”

Vendor Spotlight: Harvest Moon

The Harvest Moon Restaurant and Gift shop are located in Rockford, WA! Not only do they have rocking food, they now have all three sizes of honey jars!!! You can’t miss our liquid gold! And you shouldn’t miss it either. =) The owner, Amanda, has worked hard to keep her employees working during these insaneContinue reading “Vendor Spotlight: Harvest Moon”